Near the peak of Tepozteco mountain´s mystic sacred ruins, Maezumi Roshi´s call for a temple in Mexico, a living echo of his teaching, now rings true.
The Black Scorpion Temple (TEN) in Santo Domingo Ocotitlán, was dedicated to the memory of Maezumi Roshi on Monday March 31, 2008. William Nyogen Yeo, Roshi, officiated the Eye-Opening Ceremony.
At the TEN we meet to do ZAZEN, the form of sitting meditation in which we cultivate non-distracted awareness, neither thinking about our thoughts nor repressing their natural activity.
Relax and release...
... are our teacher´s words. In zazen we simply concentrate, not trying to understand, analyze, or talk to ourselves. Our practice is the living lineage of Maezumi Roshi and the teachers who came before him, and the TEN is a sactuary where we can all take refuge. Practice will never fail the student with a sincere heart.
Come empty-handed