A SESSHIN is an intensive Zen meditation retreat that lasts several days. Every day during sesshin we sit zazen for more than 6 hours (12 half-hour periods). We also have services, community work, formal and informal meals, Dharma talks and several breaks throughout the day.
Sesshin and its form, says Nyogen Roshi, is like a cookie-cutter. Dough might be spread all over the table, but when we apply the form, the cookie cutter, what remains inside is what really matters. The rest is junk.
If you want to participate in a retreat, to be included in our mailing list or simply to request further information, please write to us. We will respond to your request by email and inform you about availability, registration cost and the retreat schedule. Your place will be confirmed only after your deposit has been received.
The TEN keeps sesshin fees accessible to all. They include lodging and meals. Transportation is not included. If you have to cancel and you notify us a week before the retreat starts, half of your deposit will be reimbursed.
A weekend sesshin starts on Friday with a light supper at 5:30 PM followed by a zazen block at 7PM. It ends Sunday around noon with concluding remarks.
A holiday weekend sesshin starts on Thursday or Friday and ends Sunday or Monday with the same schedule.
A long sesshin starts on Saturday and ends the following Saturday.
This schedule may be modified.
SPECIFIC INDICATIONS about sesshin activities and forms may be downloaded (PDF in Spanish) by clicking here.
Bring black or dark-colored comfortable clothes. We do sit for long periods of time.
Bring bed sheets and a pillowcase or a sleeping bag.
Bring a towel.
Abstain from bringing computers, tablets, music or video players, books, notebooks or any other object that might distract you from your practice.
Minimize the use of mobile phones and cameras.
Keep silence and abstain from the usual social courtesies.
Inform us about any serious food allergies.
Anticipate your personal needs as a practitioner. If needed, ask for zazen or oryoki instructions.
Do not arrive at the temple after 9 PM.