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Even before the TEN was founded in March 2008, Nyogen Roshi was here. His presence in Mexico as well as the participation of our brothers and sisters from the Hazy Moon Zen Center in Los Angeles was essential for our developement and growth.


The last of Maezumi Roshi´s successors, Nyogen Roshi studied with his teacher for 27 years. He lived with Maezumi Roshi and, along with the community of practitioners, helped build the Zen Mountain Center, Yoko-ji Temple, in the Mountains east of Los Angeles. Following the death of his teacher he became the Abbot of the Zen Center of Los Angeles (ZCLA).


Born in Colorado, Nyogen Roshi is a no-nonsense man who found in Zen practice an honest and practical way to alleviate suffering. Through his words and direct instruction, Nyogen Roshi taught us how to earnestly cultivate our practice and realize the fullest potential of our lives.


"This is your day-to-day life," Nyogen Roshi said on the third afternoon of a retreat, when the stillness of the sangha had begun to deepen. "Keep your practice at work, in the street, with your family, in all circumstances, and you will see how rich your life becomes." 


The strength of Nyogen Roshi's teaching encourages us all. His life´s example connects us to the living lineage of Zen. "Be ordinary," he often told us. "Give up all expectations and trust the practice."


You can read, listen to or see some of Nyogen Roshi's teishos by clicking here.


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